Kim Mellibovsky Is A Beautiful Israeli Army Soldier


Israel military service is compulsory for both men and women. At the age of 18, all citizens are obliged to appear for Army training except physically and mentally challenged. The women serve the same role as men in the Israel Defense Forces. As of now, 88% to 92% of all roles in the IDF are open to female candidates, while women can be found in 69% of all positions.
Every year about 30,000 women, referred to as “The Army Corps”, hold a 5-week training and mandatory service( 24 months for women, 32 months for men). Then these soldiers become flight controllers, nurses, drivers, radio operators or instructors.
One of them, Kim Mellibovsky is a beautiful woman. Her appearance could serve as a distraction tactic, and the pictures on which they boast their perfect figure have already become a hit on Instagram. In most of the pictures, Kim poses in b!kini, but she also likes to get gorgeous poses in uniform.
See the pictures of the most beautiful Israeli soldier. So are you also seeking a career in Army?

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